Updated: 02.03.2024
All of Iva Krakan content is of personal, private nature and does not reflect positions, opinions or policies of any company or affiliates mentioned. Furthermore, projects published in ivakrakan.com do not represent any employer of the designer(s), past, present or future.
Specific content may be requested or commissioned on behalf of individuals and companies. In these cases, an explicit disclaimer notice will be added to any such project, including terms and conditions of the published work.
My general copyright policy is Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0. There are several notable exceptions. ivakrakan.com permits charity, educational and non-profit organizations (like universities, Wikipedia, etc) to use all materials on ivakrakan.com without additional explicit approval from the site owner. However, the use of material still requires that you:
Have a written, legal proof that you are indeed an official and legally recognized charity or an educational or a non-profit organization (should anyone ever ask). Otherwise, you are not permitted to make use of ivakrakan.com materials under the charity/education/non-profit clause.
Download the content and host it separately outside ivakrakan.com
Link to the original work. Credit Iva Krakan as the designer (ivakrakan.com) for each use of said material.
You are free to modify the content (use snippets, resize images, etc), as long as the modifications fall within the context of the original topic.
ivakrakan.com material cannot be used for political, religious or race-related purposes when these might offend one or another group, even if the intended use is within the charity, educational or non-profit context. The usage is restricted to technical discussions, design, art and business strategy. Iva Krakan retains all the rights of the original and altered content.
For any and all other uses specifically not mentioned above, you must contact me and ask me for a permission, including but not limited to commercial use or marketing. If in doubt, email me.
The above copyright statement has not been worded by a lawyer, so please do not try to abuse any potential loopholes in my phrasing. Use the materials with moderation and discretion and try to be fair and give credit when due. Most importantly, try to be helpful and generous. You can use my shared work and experience as an example to help educate and inspire others about the benefits of UX Design, User Research and Design Thinking.